Galatians 6:9

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9

How easy is it to get discouraged in our daily walk when we don’t seem to receive the thanks and recognition for the good we do.Or we work so hard trying to do good, but never see any results from our work. Do not be discouraged.We will one day reap what we sow.

Paul is challenging us here to not be discouraged when you are doing right.  Put your trust in God, let His work be done, and continue on.  Discouragement can hinder our walks with God.  How many churches go under because they get discouraged with weekly attendance numbers or the numbers being saved.  Instead focus on the work you are doing for God and let His will be accomplished.  How many times have we just gave up soul winning because we felt discouraged with no results; plant the seed and let God water it and make it grow.  You will one day reap what you sow.  A farmer who wants to grow watermelons won’t sow potatoes; instead he plants watermelon seeds.  At first they may not grow much, but in time the watermelon will grow and be ready for harvest.  Don’t be discouraged if the watermelon still isn’t ready for harvest – instead focus on God, follow His will, continue doing good for Him.

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